7 Basics of Belonging

[eBook] The Meaning of Church Membership

In his new church membership book, Sam Rainer covers why every Christ-follower is meant to be connected to the church. Topics include:

  • Why join a church?
  • The importance of worship
  • Making disciples
  • and much more!
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7 Basics of Belonging

[eBook] The Meaning of Church Membership



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What is the big deal about membership?

Personally committing to church membership will help you grow spiritually. God did not design us to grow in isolation. Being on a spiritual island is lonely. The church is a community of imperfect people serving a perfect Savior together. We commit together to follow him.


The real reason you join a church is simple.

Jesus is there. When church members fulfill their 7 basic responsibilities the presence of Christ through the Holy Spirit becomes self-evident. 

About the book:

In his new church membership book, Sam Rainer covers why every Christ follower is meant to be connected to the church.

God has placed every individual to be a part of a congregation for their own good. God has also placed individuals in a church for the good of others.

Those inside the church and those outside the church need your help. 

Click below to purchase today!


7 basics of belonging

Membership Learning Objectives

  • Why join a church?
  • The importance of worship.
  • How to make disciples.
  • Reaching your community.
  • Personal giving.
  • Individual and corporate prayer.
  • Unity of church members.
  • Serving others.
  • Taking your next step.

About the Author

Sam Rainer 

Sam serves as the president of Church Answers. He is also the lead pastor of West Bradenton Baptist Church and the co-host of the Est.Church podcast. Sam co-founded Rainer Publishing and serves as the president of Revitalize Network. He has a wonderful wife, four fun children, a smart old dog, a dumb young dog, and a cat his daughters insisted on keeping.

Sam has a B.S. in Finance and Marketing from the University of South Carolina, an M.A. in Missiology from Southern Seminary, and a Ph.D. in Leadership Studies from Dallas Baptist University.

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