A Challenge to Lead from Weakness (And a Bonus Sermon Manuscript to Help You)

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Church Answers Research

Christian leaders must lead. In a Christian way.

I live in a world of preparing gospel leaders. I have the privilege of equipping future ministers and missionaries in my various capacities, and I’m humbled by this responsibility. I want my graduates and our missionaries to be the best equipped, best prepared generation ever to do the work we’re called to do. I long for them to know how to interpret, preach, and apply the Word. I want them to know their theology. It is my prayer they have grounding to address some of the critical issues – often unexpected ones – they will face in ministry. I want them to have dependence that leads them to pray to God and interpersonal skills that help them relate to others.

I want them to be as ready as they can be for the task at hand. At the same time, though, I’m

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