Eight Typologies of Pastors

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Church Answers Research

One of the greatest gifts of my life is how God allows me to work with pastors. I’ve served as a pastor in four churches and was interim pastor in ten churches. In my last three organizations, I’ve had the honor of focusing much of my time on helping pastors.

I know pastors. I know their hopes, their hurts, and their hurdles. Though a few pastors hurt the witness of churches and Christians, most pastors are sacrificial, helpful, and godly. There are 380,000 Protestant churches in America, and most are led by good and godly pastors.

When I lead a church consultation or coach a pastor, I ask myself: What type of pastor is this person? My question implies that I am looking at pastors through the lens of “types” or “typologies.” After getting to know the pastor better, I often see a dominant and secondary typology. Just by knowing

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