Marx Was Wrong: How America’s Elites Are Embracing Religion

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Church Answers Research

Karl Marx is an infamous and polarizing sociologist who still evokes emotions years after his death. Marx was a German author who lived from 1818 to 1883, and he is, of course, most famous for his short pamphlet The Communist Manifesto, published in 1848. The English version of this work runs less than 15,000 words but may be one of the most notorious pieces ever written. It emerged from Marx’s observations about how rapidly the world was changing around him due to the advent of mechanization and the Industrial Revolution. Marx noted how the move from rural subsistence farms to urban factories would have a tremendous impact on many people’s lives.

What stands out most in Marx’s work is his view of religion. He was not a fan of what he saw happening in Germany in the mid-1800s. The factory owners would use the Bible as a way to keep

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