Big Idea: In Christ, we have peace.
The world is a mess. We are a wealthy nation, with a lot of comforts and a lot of power. In fact, the only thing we don’t have is peace. I am not sure if you noticed. But families are in shambles, political division is near historic levels, and people are depressed, anxious, and isolated. There is no peace between us and God, there is no peace between us, and there is no peace within us. Is it any wonder that we have problems? At the root of all of our conflict is our sin. It separates us from God and each other. It puts turmoil into our hearts and puts all of our relationships in peril.
God’s plan is not merely to escort us out of the world and take us to dwell disembodied in Heaven forever. He is going to fix the chaos on a much deeper level than that. When the time is ripe, Jesus will put all of the pieces back together again. By His incarnation, His death, and His resurrection, Christ overcame the barriers which prevent peace. Our sin’s penalty has been paid and the power of sin has been broken in our hearts, so we are no longer enslaved to it. The divisions of age, race, class, and nationality are irrelevant when we all come to God through the cross.
But God is not through. Heaven and Earth will be brought together in Christ when He comes again. The tabernacle of God – the heavenly Jerusalem – will come down to the earth and we will dwell with Him forever, Heaven and Earth collided. Our peace now is just a foretaste of the total peace when Jesus returns and sin is abolished once and for all.
Practically, there is a very important point to be made here. If we are in Christ, we already have peace. It is not something we need to strive for, just to recognize. The secret is to realize that peace is not in ourselves or our efforts but in Christ. When we look for peace, we will only find more chaos. But when we rest in Christ, we will have peace. Charles Spurgeon put it well: “I looked at Christ, and the dove of peace flew into my heart; I looked at the dove of peace, and it flew away.”
Discussion Idea: What does it mean when it says that Christ came at the “fullness of times”? Is the meaning the same as Galatians 4:4?
Prayer Focus: Lord, help me to rest in You and find all of my meaning and satisfaction in You. Help me to trust that You are bringing all things together in Your Son and that we can have peace.