Does your view on money hurt you? For many, the answer is “yes.” In this episode, I ask Derrick Kinney, the CEO of Good Money Framework, to discuss how a person’s resentment of money is ruining the world.
Here are the questions we answer:
Question 1: How can one be sacrificial in giving while paying off debt?
Question 2: Roth or Standard IRA?
Additional Notes:
- Money represents scarcity and strain.
- You see money as working against you.
- Your family money tree did not grow.
- There’s not enough money to fulfill your dreams.
- The money math doesn’t add up.
The 3 levers that create wealth:
- Save more.
- Earn more.
- Reduce debt.
Episode Sponsor:
Most churches struggle to get people to give. SecureGive, has created a system that helps churches increase giving so their ministry is funded to reach their community. SecureGive helps churches increase giving in 3 ways: software that makes giving easy, a custom growth strategy, and ongoing stewardship resources. They stand out by offering a real ministry partnership, the most cost-effective solution with the lowest processing rates, and the most comprehensive giving platform available.