How to Budget for a Family of 10 | Guest: Jimmy and Kristin Scroggins

Episode #35
March 24, 2021

Does your family struggle with budgeting? Don’t worry, you are not alone. Jimmy and Kristin Scroggins are, not just great ministry leaders, but amazing budgeters. In this episode, they share what they’ve learned from budgeting for a family of ten.

Here are the questions we answer:

Question 1: Is it worth the effort trying to find a better rate on our Liquid Money Market account for our emergency fund? We currently earn .15% dividend rate with our credit union. Are we missing out on a significant advantage by keeping it with them?

Question 2: Do you tithe all money you receive? Examples being birthday, graduation, tax returns, etc.

Additional Notes:

Full Circle Parenting: A Guide for Crucial Conversations

The Essential Emergency Binder

Episode Sponsor:

Most churches struggle to get people to give. SecureGive, has created a system that helps churches increase giving so their ministry is funded to reach their community. SecureGive helps churches increase giving in 3 ways: software that makes giving easy, a custom growth strategy, and ongoing stewardship resources. They stand out by offering a real ministry partnership, the most cost-effective solution with the lowest processing rates, and the most comprehensive giving platform available.
