Is It Okay to Play the Lottery? | Guest: Dr. David W. Jones

Episode #44
May 26, 2021

Is it okay to play the lottery? Is there a difference between gambling and investing? In this episode, Dave Jones rejoins us to discuss the biblical view of gambling.

Here are the questions we answer:

Question 1: What’s wrong with playing the lottery?

Question 2: What is the difference between investing and gambling?

Question 3: Is it okay for me to have an office bracket pool?

Additional Notes:

The Essential Emergency Binder

Episode Sponsor:

Most churches struggle to get people to give. SecureGive, has created a system that helps churches increase giving so their ministry is funded to reach their community. SecureGive helps churches increase giving in 3 ways: software that makes giving easy, a custom growth strategy, and ongoing stewardship resources. They stand out by offering a real ministry partnership, the most cost-effective solution with the lowest processing rates, and the most comprehensive giving platform available.
