My Adult Child is a Poor Money Manager. What Should I Do About His Inheritance?

Episode #40
April 28, 2021

In this episode we answer questions about inheritances, savings bonds, and digital retirement platforms. Plus, we make fun of Taylor’s dancing. It is a great episode!

Here are the questions we answer:

Question 1: When one adult child is a very poor money manager, what is the best way to set up a will so that an inheritance does not make the problem worse?

Question 2: While reading your new book, “The Money Challenge for Teens”, you mention the importance of no minimum balance and low trading fees. Do you recommend online investment platforms such as Betterment for Roth IRA’s? Why or why not?

Question 3: Are bond checks worth investing and giving as a gift?

Additional Notes:

The Essential Emergency Binder

Taylor’s Hilariously Bad Dance Video

Episode Sponsor:

Most churches struggle to get people to give. SecureGive, has created a system that helps churches increase giving so their ministry is funded to reach their community. SecureGive helps churches increase giving in 3 ways: software that makes giving easy, a custom growth strategy, and ongoing stewardship resources. They stand out by offering a real ministry partnership, the most cost-effective solution with the lowest processing rates, and the most comprehensive giving platform available.
