10 Areas of Training Pastors Need in the 21st Century

Episode #051
April 18, 2014
Rainer on Leadership

Podcast Episode #051

Pastors receive a great deal of training in seminary and Bible colleges. But even the most scholarly pastors do not learn everything they need to know in a higher education environment. Like any other field, there is always a share of on-the-job training that you only learn once you are in the field. This week, we discuss 10 of those areas in which pastors will likely receive no formal training but still need in order to be the most effective pastor possible. The 10 areas are:

  1. A new language—social media.
  2. A non-Christian culture.
  3. The decline of cultural Christians in churches.
  4. A new work/life balance.
  5. Unregenerate church members.
  6. The community as a mission field.
  7. Less automatic cultural respect of church leaders.
  8. A more critical world.
  9. A greater need for leadership skills. 
  10. More churches in need of revitalization.

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This podcast was brought to you by Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary’s Doctor of Ministry program. If you want more out of your ministry, want to study with a world-class faculty and need to stay where you currently serve, the DMin at Southeastern is the answer for you. Visit SEBTS.EDU/DMIN for more information.


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