10 Reasons Church Revitalizations Often Fail

Episode #360
September 5, 2017
Rainer on Leadership

Podcast Episode #360

Church revitalization, like several other things in the church, is not easy. There are no magic bullets, and because it’s hard, church revitalization often fails. Today, we cover ten reasons why.

Some highlights from today’s episode include:

  • Church members are often accepting of the idea of change—just not the action of change.
  • A lot of churches could do better in revitalization if they just knew how.
  • Church programs should be seen as means, not ends.
  • Church programs are not solutions. They are tools.
  • There is no magic bullet for church revitalization.
  • We know magic bullets don’t exist, but we still seek them out.
  • Reaching people with the gospel engenders spiritual warfare.

The 10 reasons church revitalizations often fail are:

  1. Comfort/resistance to change.
  2. Lack of knowledge.
  3. Despair and defeatism.
  4. Perception that programs are ends instead of a means.
  5. The magic bullet syndrome.
  6. Lack of awareness about the community.
  7. Evangelistic apathy.
  8. Deflection of blame.
  9. Short-term leadership.
  10. Failure to consider being acquired by another church.

Episode Sponsors

Vanderbloemen Search GroupVanderbloemen Search Group is the premier pastor search firm dedicated to helping churches and ministries build great teams. Their Fall Lead Pastor and Executive Pastor Coaching Networks are now open for registration, and our very own Dr. Rainer will be speaking at the Fall Lead Pastor Coaching Network.

So if you’re a Lead Pastor or an Executive Pastor looking for peer roundtable coaching, check it out at vanderbloemen.com/coaching. It’s limited to 16 folks, so apply today before it fills up.

mbts_banner1_rainerMidwestern Seminary, one of the fastest growing seminaries in North America, exists to train leaders For The Church. The local church is God’s “Plan A” for the proclamation of the gospel, and there is no Plan B. And this is Midwestern’s vision and heartbeat—equipping pastors and other ministry leaders who are called to expand God’s mission in the world through the local church. At Midwestern Seminary: they train leaders ‘For The Church.’

Visit them online at MBTS.edu and start your ministry training today.


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Resources Mentioned in Today’s Podcast