10 Reasons for Church Conflict

Episode #044
February 28, 2014
Rainer on Leadership

Podcast Episode #044

Conflict happens in every church. This conflict is sometimes managed well. Other times, not so much. In a recent post here on the blog, I listed 10 reasons for arguments that arise in the church. They mainly include unfair expectations and misunderstood intentions but are common issues in many churches. You will notice that we don’t discuss biblical and theological arguments in this episode. That’s a completely different (and more lengthy) discussion. Here are the 10 reasons we discuss:

  1. Worship and music style.
  2. Volume of music in the services.
  3. Reasons why churches die.
  4. Proper attire for church services.
  5. Pastors’ salaries.
  6. Megachurches.
  7. The number of hours a pastor works each week.
  8. Why people leave a church.
  9. Role of a pastor’s wife.
  10. Perspectives on pastors’ children.

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