10 Things Pastors Like Most and Least about Being a Pastor

Episode #024
September 27, 2013
Rainer on Leadership

Podcast Episode #024

Jonathan and I discuss my findings from a pair of recent Twitter polls I conducted. While not scientific, these anecdotal results describe the areas pastors love about pastoring—and the areas they do not.
10 Things Pastors Like Most

  1. Seeing lives transformed.
  2. Preaching.
  3. Personal evangelism.
  4. The people/members.
  5. Developing new relationships.
  6. Ministering in the community.
  7. Ministering to members.
  8. Casting a vision.
  9. Staff relationships.
  10. Mentoring or discipling one-on-one.

10 Things Pastors Like Least

  1. Conflict and complaining church members.
  2. Family challenges.
  3. Busy work.
  4. Members whose priorities are their own comfort and preferences.
  5. Expectations to be present at all church functions and many social functions.
  6. Non-productive meetings.
  7. Expectation to be on call 24/7.
  8. Confronting people who are sinning.
  9. Problems with staff members.
  10. Members who aren’t passionate about evangelism/reaching the community.

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