7 Reasons Active Members Drop Out of Church

Episode #047
March 21, 2014
Rainer on Leadership

Podcast Episode #047

In a recent post, I listed seven reasons very active church members drop out. These aren’t your casual members. These are the ones that are there in a leadership role or a serving capacity on a regular basis. We discuss the seven reasons they may drop out and provide ways for churches to keep these members involved when they show signs of leaving.

  1. Moral failure.
  2. Dropping out of a group.
  3. Burnout.
  4. Traumatic event. 
  5. Dropping out of a ministry.
  6. Major interpersonal conflict.
  7. Gradual withdrawal.

Episode Sponsor

You can pick up your copy of I Am a Church Member at your local bookstore. And many retailers, churches can also pick up a bulk case of 20 for $5 per book to use in their churches.


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