Culture Wins, featuring William Vanderbloemen

Episode #416
March 20, 2018
Rainer on Leadership

Podcast Episode #416

William Vanderbloemen joins us today to discuss the importance of workplace culture in the church.

Some highlights from today’s episode include:

  • The bigger your staff gets, the harder it is to maintain a good workplace culture.
  • Millennials want to like the culture of the place at which they work.
  • You need to set your own workplace culture. Don’t try to copy the culture of another church or ministry.
  • The people of an organization or ministry or church set the culture.

About William Vanderbloemen

William Vanderbloemen is an entrepreneur, pastor, speaker, author, and CEO and founder of Vanderbloemen Search Group, an executive search firm serving churches, ministries, and faith-based organizations. He is a regular contributor to several major publications including Forbes where he covers topics about having a strong faith and building a business, Fortune, and Outreach magazine. He has also been published through Fast Company, Entrepreneur, and Inc.

Under his leadership, Vanderbloemen Search Group has won several culture awards and was named #24 on Forbes’ Best Executive Recruiting Firms in America. In 2015 and 2016, Vanderbloemen Search Group placed in the top 5 of’s Top Company Culture – Small Business Category in the nation and top 6 of Houston’s Best Places to Work by Houston Business Journal.

Culture Wins is William’s third book following NEXT: Pastoral Succession That Works (2014) and SEARCH: The Pastoral Search Committee Handbook (2016). William holds degrees from Wake Forest University and Princeton Theological Seminary.

Episode Sponsors

Our friends at Vanderbloemen Search Group help churches and ministries build great teams by finding their key staff, but did you know they have a ton of resources around team building? Their newest addition is The Culture Tool, a free comprehensive staff engagement survey to help you build, run, and keep a great team. It’s brand new and still in beta, so check out to be on the cutting edge of this new tool that will help you improve your church staff culture.

Visit to learn more.

The ministry landscape is changing, and the need for biblical training is more necessary than ever. It’s time to get your Master of Divinity degree. The M.Div —Midwestern Seminary’s flagship degree program — is the primary track for ministry preparation. At just 81 hours, the Midwestern M.Div offers a complete foundation for full-time ministry leaders, offering everything you need, and nothing you don’t. Join other students in vibrant Kansas City as you train in a unique collaborative environment focused on the local church or study online in your current ministry context. Midwestern Seminary is developing a discipleship culture devoted to the local church and committed to God’s unchanging Word. Why not start your training today?

Find out more at


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Resources Mentioned in Today’s Podcast