We all know life will be different in the post-quarantine era. The church has fundamentally changed and many pastors are grappling with what the Church will look like in the coming years. Dr. Rainer and Sam Rainer discuss five reasons why the speed of change must accelerate in your church in the post-quarantine era.
- COVID-19 accelerated negative change in your church by three to five years.
- Most churches have moved to an extreme inward focus.
- Your church may decline rapidly or die soon.
- Your pastor may leave.
- Evangelism is all but non-existent in many churches.
Resources mentioned in today’s podcast:
- The Post Quarantine Church by Dr. Thom S. Rainer
- Church Future Indicator
- Cosco & Associates
- Church Answers – Six Reasons Your Pastor is About to Quit
- Chasing Vines by Beth Moore
Episode Sponsor:
God wants you to flourish. We all know life is not always fun, but it can always bear fruit. Join Beth Moore on a six-session journey to discover what it means to abide in Christ and to bear fruit. The six-session Chasing Vines Group Experience is a topical study you don’t want to miss. For information on Beth’s Chasing Vines book, the group study, and the DVD, go to ChasingVines.com
The mission at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by equipping students to serve the church and fulfill the Great Commission. The school offers more than 40 different degree programs, including the new Master of Arts in Church Revitalization in partnership with Church Answers and the Revitalization Network. This 37-hour degree is designed to help students move established churches from flatlining to flourishing.
Learn about this program and more by visiting sebts.edu. Where are you going? Southeastern will help you get there.
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