How Do I Know if My Church Is Evangelistically Effective?

Episode #216
April 15, 2016
Rainer on Leadership

Podcast Episode #216

We lament the decline of evangelism in many local churches and discuss ways to assess whether or not your church is effective when it comes to evangelism. Also, I highlight a humiliating defeat in sports to my grandson.

Some highlights from today’s episode include:

  • I would rather a church have a programmatic evangelism emphasis than none at all.
  • Pastors, keep track of the annual number of faith conversions in your church.
  • One of the great travesties in many churches today is a dichotomy between evangelism and discipleship.
  • The number one correlation of evangelistic churches is evangelistic pastors.
  • A church that has an evangelistic reputation is one that has a good reputation.
  • Healthy, evangelistic churches are typically known in the community for caring for the community.
  • 95% of the non-Christian, unchurched community are receptive to faith conversations.
  • If your church is not seeing a lot of conversions from adults, it’s likely because your adults aren’t sharing their faith.

The six points we discuss about evangelistic effectiveness of churches are:

  1. Keep track of total annual conversions.
  2. Look at trends of those annual conversions.
  3. Calculate the church’s conversion ratio: Average attendance / total annual conversions (under 20:1 is good).
  4. Is the pastor personally evangelistic?
  5. Does the church have an evangelistic reputation in the community?
  6. Does incarnational ministry become transformational ministry?

Episode Sponsors

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