How to Become a Highly Effective Pastor

Episode #120
May 1, 2015
Rainer on Leadership

Podcast Episode #120

Effective pastors are grounded in the ministry of the Word and in prayer. And in today’s podcast we build on that foundation with seven principles of highly effective pastors.

Some highlights from today’s episode include:

  • Pastors who are really effective will have tough days but will have an unending passion for God’s work.
  • The identity of a pastor should not be in being a pastor. It should be in Christ.
  • Effective evangelistic churches have effective evangelistic pastors.
  • If you are in a position of leadership, you will be criticized.
  • It is hard to love a critic when you are not praying for the critic.
  • Pastors need to be in the Bible daily to hear from God personally, not just for sermon prep.
  • Longevity doesn’t always result in effectiveness, but short term pastorates often lack effectiveness.

The seven characteristics of highly effective pastors which we cover on the podcast are:

  1. They have genuine enthusiasm.
  2. They are great listeners.
  3. Their identity is not their vocation.
  4. They are intentional about personal witnessing.
  5. They have unconditional love of their critics.
  6. They have a gentle spirit.
  7. They persevere.

Episode Sponsor

Vanderbloemen Search GroupVanderbloemen Search Group is the premier pastor search firm dedicated to helping churches and ministries build great teams. They’ve helped hundreds of churches just like yours find their church staff and are uniquely geared to help you discern who God is calling to lead your church. Find out more about Vanderbloemen Search Group by visiting


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