How to Lead After a Church Split and Other Listener Questions

Episode #176
November 20, 2015
Rainer on Leadership

Podcast Episode #176

Today we answer a few listener questions. As always, you can submit your questions on the podcast page.

Some highlights from today’s episode include:

  • Pastors who lead after a church splits need a long-term view.
  • Discipleship is the act of becoming more like Christ.
  • The gospel is all about reconciliation.
  • When pastoring after a split, be prepared to give a great deal of pastoral care.
  • Behavior which harms the body of Christ should be confronted and reconciliation should be the goal.

The listener questions we answer this week are:

What advice would you give to a new minister of a recently split church as he assumes the pastoral responsibility of the remaining portion of the original congregation?

I’m a 22 year old pastor and I hear over and over again the importance of discipleship. I know what it is, I know what it means, but I don’t know how to do it. Where do I start? Do you have resources that you recommend for helping me to start disciplining?

As the Church, what role should we play in dealing with racism, especially when a church is multicultural? Do we have a responsibility to help bring reconciliation?

Do you believe it is true that we/the church cannot address bad behavior among our members because they are volunteers and not employees? How can we begin to change to culture of the church back to healthy accountability?

Why are so many Christians silent in churches when a church bully(ies) are dishing out their abuse? How do they understand what it means to show Christ like love?

My church’s membership is growing smaller and older. Most members don’t understand or use social media. They don’t focus well on planning, delegation, goal-setting, establishment of timetables or deadlines. Financially strapped, they focus on prayer at THE solution while waiting for divine intervention to send them the money and the members they desperately need. However, I believe that God wants them to roll up their shirtsleeves nd do something besides praying and waiting.

I have been in ministry for two decades now. I have served in children’s, youth, college, young adult, interim, and missions roles. I was also a senior pastor for a year. I left that pastorate feeling led into church planting. That journey led me to eventually being part of a team and assisting another lead planter for a season. Towards the end of the time in that role I started looking for a full time job in the ministry again. I have been looking for almost three years now. Discouragement has been difficult at times. I have heard from some churches but not many. I am unsure where to turn or what to do at this point. I have had my resume listed with the state conventions in several states as well as directly contacted a number of DOM’s in an area where my wife and I might like to live. My question is what can and should I do at this point? I feel stuck in a secular job, where I work as hard as I can, but I do not feel fulfilled in. And at times I worry some of my most productive years are being wasted outside of ministry.

Episode Sponsors

Vanderbloemen Search GroupVanderbloemen Search Group is the premier pastor search firm dedicated to helping churches and ministries build great teams. They’ve helped hundreds of churches just like yours find their church staff and are uniquely geared to help you discern who God is calling to lead your church. Find out more about Vanderbloemen Search Group by visiting

TEDS-Logo_Vert_1-ColorTrinity Evangelical Divinity School is a dynamic community of learners who are serious about ministry preparation biblical studies theological reflection and cultural engagement. Their faculty are gifted men and women who minister as much through research and writing as through local church involvement but their primary ministry is teaching and caring for students. Find out more about TEDS at


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