Listener Question Extravaganza

September 13, 2013
Rainer on Leadership

Podcast Episode #022

I am so thankful for the feedback and interest we’ve seen from the podcast. On this week’s show, we answer a host of listener questions. Today’s questions range from church membership to pastoral succession, to interim pastors, to recruiting volunteers, to church hopping.
As always, if you have a question you would like answered on the show, fill out the form on the podcast page here at

Listener Questions

Sylvia asks: Why don’t more churches take note and intentionally take time to teach church members what ‘membership’ entails and why it is important that each person invests personal time to learn how to be a viable member within the church walls that would translate itself into mission work in the city, state, and beyond?

Bruce asks: I am the associate pastor at a church where our pastor just accepted a call to another church. The reaction of the elders and deacons has totally surprised me as the power plays and self-centered agendas are coming forward. My question is, how does a staff member keep the church moving forward in the midst of such a situation?

Mark asks: Our current pastoral team is made up of two older pastors in their 60s and two younger pastors in their 30s. While we have a great team, we are beginning to plan for the next season in the life of our church. What are some general principles for thinking about pastoral succession? When is it wise to begin that process? Should the leader emerge from within the church or be sought outside the church?

Sylvia asks: How you transition from being an interim to being a full time pastor of the same church?

Tom asks: After so many new members have joined the church, what is the best way to go back and orient them to a deeper, better, biblical understanding of church membership?

Norberto asks: Is the pastor the main administrator of the church?

David asks: We are a small church where we have more needs than we do volunteers. How do I shift the few folk who want to see things happen, but don’t want to lift a finger to help?

Rob asks: As a senior leader in the church it is always difficult to see people leave the church…for any reason. Is there such a thing as righteous anger when someone leaves?

Sunil asks: How do you deal with church hoppers or church shoppers?

Episode Sponsor

This week’s episode is brought to you by Bible Studies for Life. Every church offers Bible studies, but where are those studies leading people over time? Bible Studies for Life follows a research validated discipleship plan that lets you rest assured knowing you have a wise approach to guiding your people to greater maturity in Christ. Find out more at