Nine Technological Trends Every Church Should Consider

Episode #107
March 17, 2015
Rainer on Leadership

Podcast Episode #107

For too long, many churches have not only been technologically deficient, but technologically averse. But many churches are now catching up through several different methods. On today’s episode, we cover nine specific areas of technology that every church should consider using.

Some highlights from today’s episode include:

  • There are people who will never attend some churches because the church websites are bad or lacking basic information.
  • Every church should be on social media to some degree.
  • Your church will miss a lot of stewardship opportunities if it does not have online giving available.
  • Customized curriculum is just another way the digital revolution is taking place in our churches.
  • Customized curriculum used to be cost prohibitive, but has made it accessible to all churches.
  • The technological world is a mission field for churches, and we need to be there.

The nine technological trends every church should consider are:

  1. An effective, well-designed church website
  2. Involvement in social media
  3. Using the internet to find staff
  4. Communication to church members through email and mass texting
  5. Virtual staffing
  6. Online giving
  7. Customized curriculum
  8. Training leaders
  9. Video announcements

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Vanderbloemen Search GroupVanderbloemen Search Group is the premier pastor search firm dedicated to helping churches and ministries build great teams. They’ve helped hundreds of churches just like yours find their church staff and are uniquely geared to help you discern who God is calling to lead your church. Find out more about Vanderbloemen Search Group by visiting


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