Pastoral Longevity, featuring Mike Glenn

Episode #100
February 20, 2015
Rainer on Leadership

Podcast Episode #100

Recording this podcast is one of the highlights of my week. And it’s hard to believe we have made it to episode #100. Thanks to you, the listeners, for making this possible. To celebrate the occasion, we invited my pastor, Mike Glenn, to be our guest for this episode.

Some highlights from today’s episode include:

  • The role of the pastor is not to come in with a vision, it’s to give birth to the vision God has already given to the church.
  • Transformation doesn’t happen in a microwave oven. It’s a slow, deliberate process.
  • Big visions are realized through small steps.
  • There’s something about all of us together that reveals the greatness of God that can’t be realized individually.
  • Too many pastors end up being David in Saul’s armor.
  • We live in a time when the ministry often has to come before the message.
  • Hire slowly. Make sure when you hire someone that they match your culture and DNA.

About Mike Glenn

Mike Glenn is a graduate of Samford University and Southern Seminary. He’s pastored churches in South Carolina and Tennessee and became the pastor of Brentwood Baptist Church in 1991. Under his leadership, the church has grown to a membership of over 9,000 and now has a total five campuses. He and his wife of 34 years, Jeannie, have two adult sons.

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