Podcast Episode #039
Unlike many jobs in the secular world, vacation policies for many pastors are not always spelled out in the clearest of manners. And it’s not just policies for the number of days of vacation or how many Sunday’s pastors can miss each year (if any), but policies are often needed for interrupted vacations as well. This week, Jonathan and I discuss a recent post on pastors and vacation as well as some reader questions about the uniqueness related to bivocational pastors. The five main questions I get related to pastors and vacation are:
- How much vacation should I take?
- How many Sundays can I be out?
- What do I do if my vacation is interrupted? Should they be allowed to take an additional week? How do they make it up to their families?
- Who covers for me while I’m gone?
- Should a pastor have mandatory vacation?
Finally, Jonathan asks what could be the longest question we’ve ever had on the podcast.
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This week’s podcast is brought to you by Auxano and the Vision Room. VisionRoom.com is an online gathering of articles, tools and resources designed for church leaders like you who value vision clarity and want to live out that vision in meaningful ways. For more information visit VisionRoom.com.
If you have a question you would like answered on the show, fill out the form on the podcast page here at ThomRainer.com.