Trends to Watch for in 2016 (part one)

Episode #187
January 5, 2016
Rainer on Leadership

Podcast Episode #187

We examine the first half of my 16 trends to watch for in 2016. We will cover the second half of the trends in podcast #188.

Some highlights from today’s episode include:

  • Some churches say they can’t afford security measures. You can’t afford not to have appropriate security measures.
  • Sometimes I think church worship centers are second only to college football stadiums in their limited usage.
  • Pastors and leaders who avail themselves to coaching typically have the healthiest churches.
  • More people are going into gentrified communities, and as a result, more churches are being planted there as well.
  • I celebrate the renewed emphasis of classical theological training in seminaries.
  • An all-Anglo church seems abnormal to many Millennials.
  • The Homogenous Unit Principle is a reality in many churches but should not be a strategy.
  • Church plants need to be strategic at the onset about not being homogeneous.

The eight trends we cover today are:

  1. Church security as the fastest growing ministry.
  2. Decrease in worship center size and capacity.
  3. Increase in successfully revitalized churches.
  4. Rapid growth of coaching ministries for pastors and church staff.
  5. Increase in the numbers of churches in gentrified communities.
  6. Increased emphasis on practical ministry training.
  7. Increasing emphasis on groups in churches.
  8. Fewer segregated churches.

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