Raising up Leaders & Pastoring Established Churches

Episode #016
August 2, 2013
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Podcast Episode #016

My oldest son, Sam, joins us for this week’s podcast. In the show, we discussed the importance of mentoring younger leaders and raising up the next generation of pastors as well as pastoring established churches. Sam’s journey is one that is different than the majority of younger pastors in that he has spent most of his time at established churches and has only been on church staffs as a pastor. Sam also shares his paradigm for ministry: serve first and lead second.

Episode Sponsor

This week’s podcast is brought to you by Essential Church, a book based on a study of one-thousand so-called “church dropouts” who were interviewed about why they left. Their answers are quite surprising, having less to do with “losing their religion” and more about the desire for a community that isn’t made stale by simply maintaining the status quo.


If you have a question you would like answered on the show, fill out the form on the podcast page here at ThomRainer.com.