Seven Ways Churches Make Prayer Central to Their Worship Services

Episode #518
March 12, 2019
Rainer on Leadership

We constantly hear from pastors wanting to see prayer increase in their churches. The secret to becoming a praying church is to…pray.

Some highlights from today’s episode include:

  • There is a great desire to pray more in churches, but a lack of consistent application in corporate worship settings.
  • Anything you want to increase in your church will take intentionality.
  • Prayer is visible and active in praying churches. People are encouraged by seeing others pray.
  • Sometimes liturgy and routine can lead to rigidity and a lack of flexibility in a corporate worship service.

The seven ways churches make prayer a focus are:

  1. They stress the priority of prayer
  2. They have a designated time of corporate prayer with clear guidelines
  3. They share stories of answered prayers
  4. They provide prayer guides in the worship folder/bulletin
  5. They have visible manifestations of prayer
  6. They pray to send people out from the worship services
  7. They have people pray during and before the worship services

Resources mentioned in today’s podcast

Rainer on Leadership is a member of the LifeWay Leadership Podcast Network

Episode Sponsors

Vanderbloemen Search Group is the premier pastor search firm dedicated to helping churches and ministries build great teams. They’ve helped thousands of churches just like yours find their church staff and are uniquely geared to help you discern who God is calling to lead your church.

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Today’s episode is sponsored by Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Be sure to check out Midwestern’s Doctorate of Ministry Degree. The D.Min. is an advanced degree preparing students for leadership in local churches and denominational service. It is also fully attainable in hybrid format which means you don’t have to move to pursue the degree.

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