Should a Church Pursue Legacy Giving?

Episode #475
October 12, 2018
Rainer on Leadership

Podcast Episode #475

Legacy giving, or inherited funds, is something that churches often do not pursue. Today we discuss why that’s often a mistake and how to do so.

Some highlights from today’s episode include:

  • There is a fear in churches that members will give less if they know about large amounts of endowment money sitting in the bank.
  • Most pastors don’t think of fundraising for the church as part of their responsibility.
  • If you don’t ask for legacy gifts for the church, some other group or institution will do so and the church will be left out.
  • Legacy gifts are often based on relationships. You have to have a relationship before making the ask.

3 reasons why some church leaders don’t pursue legacy giving

  1. Reason #1: fear it will hurt budget giving.
  2. Reason #2: lack of knowledge about legacy giving
  3. Reason #3: discomfort with asking for legacy giving

3 reasons to pursue it:

  1. Reason #1: Many churches could use it.
  2. Reason #2: It does not have to be used for budget giving
  3. Reason #3: Churches should be a primary recipient of the largest transfer of wealth in history.

Resources mentioned in today’s podcast

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