Six Common Mistakes Made by Preachers from the Pulpit (That Might Get Them in Trouble)

Episode #552
July 9, 2019
Rainer on Leadership

Preachers sometimes say some strange things from the pulpit. Today, we discuss some of the things that get said that can cause problems for a preacher.

Some highlights from today’s episode include:

  • One of the most common mistakes preachers often make is attributing a quote to someone who didn’t actually say it.
  • If you’re going to use stats in a sermon, research and cite the original source.
  • When using a church member as a sermon illustration, always get their permission first.
  • Number one rule for guest preachers: honor your time slot. Don’t go over.

The six mistakes we discuss are:

  1. Quoting something someone did not say.
  2. Saying “statistics show”
  3. Using someone else’s illustration as your own
  4. Using a point in a sermon to fight verbally with a church member
  5. Mispronouncing words in the Bible
  6. Not honoring a church host’s request when you are a guest preacher

Resources mentioned in today’s podcast

Rainer on Leadership is a member of the LifeWay Leadership Podcast Network

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