Podcast Episode #101
We get questions from listeners every day for advice and with suggested podcast topics. Recently, a question about Millennials stood out so we used it to jump into our discussion in this episode about reaching Millennials. Doug asked:
What is being done or what should be done to broaden the scope of age to bring younger leaders to the table and therefore inspire them to invest more, be devoted and committed to promoting initiatives that we say we believe will change the world for Christ?
Some highlights from the episode include:
- Anyone who is intentional about reaching others for Christ will reach more than those who are not. Intentionality is a must.
- Churches need to understand that Millennials have different views than previous generations on social issues.
- When Millennials look at a potential church, ministries and opportunities for their kids are major deciding factors.
- If you want to reach a generation who cares about their children, the church must care about their children as well.
- Millennials want to have intentional mentors to come along beside them.
- Churches must offer Millennials opportunities to serve and to lead. Don’t make them “wait their turn.”
- If your church is relying on the worship style or architecture to reach Millennials, you’re relying on the wrong thing.
The six keys for churches to reach Millennials are:
- Be intentional in engaging & understanding them
- Be authentic
- Offer ministries for their family and children
- Offer to mentor them
- Offer opportunities for them to serve and to lead.
- Have a presence in the community.
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This podcast was brought to you by Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary’s Doctor of Ministry program. If you want more out of your ministry, want to study with a world-class faculty and need to stay where you currently serve, the DMin at Southeastern is the answer for you. Visit SEBTS.EDU/DMIN for more information.
If you have a question you would like answered on the show, fill out the form on the podcast page here at ThomRainer.com.