The Church Guest Experience in a Post-COVID World: An Interview with Greg Atkinson

Episode #663
October 6, 2020
Rainer on Leadership

Author Greg Atkinson joins Thom and Sam to discuss the importance of the guest experience in a post-COVID world. 

Greg Atkinson is the Founder of Worship Impressions and the First Impressions Conference. Greg is an author, leadership coach, consultant, and member of the Forbes Coaching Council. Greg has worked with churches of all stages and sizes, including some of the largest and fastest-growing churches in the country, as well as with businesses, non-profits, and organizations such as Josh McDowell Ministries.

  • You have focused a lot of your work on the church guest experience. What changes are you seeing in this area due to the pandemic?
  • What does hospitality look like in churches during this season?
  • What are some effective ways churches can provide a great guest experience for online guests?
  • What are some simple, practical things a church can do to welcome and retain new guests as in-person services resume?

Resources mentioned in today’s podcast:


Episode Sponsor:

When Eric Peterson became the pastor of a brand-new church, he quickly sought guidance from his dad, pastor Eugene Peterson, author of The Message and 30+ books. The intimate correspondence that followed between father and son is captured in Letters to a Young Pastor. Reading this book is like being personally mentored by Eugene as he reflects on pastoral ministry in all its complexity.

In turn, Eric then wrote Letters to a Young Congregation; his collection of honest and convicting letters written to his growing church. It addresses the essential questions every pastor wants their church members to answer.

Read the first letter of each book at


The mission at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by equipping students to serve the church and fulfill the Great Commission. The school offers more than 40 different degree programs, including the new Master of Arts in Church Revitalization in partnership with Church Answers and the Revitalization Network. This 37-hour degree is designed to help students move established churches from flatlining to flourishing.

Learn about this program and more by visiting Where are you going? Southeastern will help you get there.



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