The Early Warning Signs Preceding a Decline in Church Health

Episode #751
May 31, 2022
Rainer on Leadership Podcast Logo

I have yet to see a church drift towards greater health. The current of apathy always pulls away. But what causes this drift? What are some early warning signs of an unraveling in a congregation? Thom and Sam discuss some key indicators often preceding a decline in church health. 

  • People in the church, especially leaders, talk more about themselves than Jesus.
  • God’s mission is no longer a central feature of worship services.
  • Less of the operating budget is dedicated to outwardly focused ministry and mission.
  • New believers are perceived as disturbing the peace of the body.
  • More resources are dedicated to older generations than younger generations.
  • Few care about the persecuted church.
  • Hospitality is not emphasized and receives little attention.




Episode Sponsors:

  • DaysSpring and Tyndale have partnered together to bring you this encouraging Bible in the NLT translation.
  • The DaySpring Hope & Encouragement Bible amplifies twelve indisputable truths about who you are in Christ such as you are known, you are blessed, and you have a reason for hope.
  • These truths equip you to recognize and embrace your treasured place in God’s heart.
  • Armed with this knowledge, you will be able to face any challenge, step into your toughest calling, and live the adventure God has for you.
  • These Bibles include
  • 250 Dayspring reflections
  • 52 full-page devotionals
  • And a full-color interior


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