The Future of the All-White Church in America

Episode #719
October 19, 2021
Rainer on Leadership

Racial tensions still exist in the United States, and there are certain demographic realities that must be addressed. The country is becoming more diverse and will continue to do so at an increasing rate. On this episode, Thom and Sam discuss how demographic changes will impact all-white churches in America. What can we expect the happen to them in the next ten years?

  • Two trends tell the story: The white population is in decline for the first time since 1790, and the youngest generation is minority white.
  • Birth rates in all-white congregations have slowed, and all-white churches will become significantly older.
  • Gen Z is the most diverse generation and will gravitate towards churches that look like their schools.
  • All-white megachurches with large campuses in suburban areas face the steepest declines.
  • Some all-white congregations will continue to thrive in areas where they reflect the community.
  • Healthy multi-ethnic churches will grow gradually, not exponentially, as they intentionally make an effort to equip, train, and hire people of color.
  • Geography will matter less in the future than in the past. Diversity was once an urban reality, but it is now everywhere.




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