The Miracle in the Cow Pasture: The Future of Rural Churches – An Interview with B. J. Rutledge

Episode #703
July 5, 2021
Rainer on Leadership

The rural church is brimming with opportunities. Indeed, it may be one of the most fruitful mission fields in the world. Thom and Sam interview B. J. Rutledge about his leadership in a rural church that defied all expectations. You will not want to miss this episode.

BJ Rutledge is the lead pastor of Grace Fellowship Church in Paradise, Texas. The church is enjoying phenomenal success reaching thousands of people with the gospel. Some have called it, “The miracle in the cow pasture.” BJ is married to Janet, and they have 3 children and 5 grandchildren.

Thom and Sam discuss the following questions with BJ:

  • How did you end up in a rural town called Paradise, Texas, population 459?
  • What are some unique keys to leading a rural church?
  • Now that Grace Fellowship Church averages 1,800 people pre-COVID, many pastors might say your story is an anomaly that can’t apply to them. How would you respond?
  • What were some of your greatest challenges in leading Grace?
  • What final words would you like to share with pastors and other leaders about rural churches?




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