The Pastor's Salary

Episode #029
November 1, 2013
Rainer on Leadership Podcast Logo

Podcast Episode #029

Regardless of your profession, when people openly discuss how much or how little you should be paid, it can be uncomfortable. For pastors, this can be magnified. So we deal with how to manage issues related to pastoral and ministerial salaries—and the five things you should know about those salaries. Among the topics Jonathan and I discuss are:

  • Annual raises
  • Special income tax regulations
  • Housing allowances
  • Total package compensation
  • Take home pay

Pastor, if you truly are underpaid—speak up.
Church, if you are underpaying your pastor—step up.

Episode Sponsor

This week’s podcast is brought to you by Auxano and the Vision Room. is an online gathering of articles, tools and resources designed for church leaders like you who value vision clarity and want to live out that vision in meaningful ways. For more information visit


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