Things to Consider When Relocating Your Church Facility – Part 3: Starting All Over–New Property, New Building With Todd Brown and Isaac Brown of Brown Church Development Group

Episode #SP039
November 22, 2024
Rainer on Leadership Podcast Logo

Thom is joined by Todd Brown and Isaac Brown of Brown Church Development Group, who are “The Church Facility Experts.” In this third episode, we discuss what a church should consider when moving to a new piece of property or completely starting over.

    • Go through the steps (in the first episode) to prove you must relocate because relocating to a new piece of property can be a tough process. Finances are usually the toughest boundary to overcome. Relocating to a new property usually, but not always, doesn’t give you more building on the first phase. 
    • Use the program that you developed to determine your current property doesn’t work and use it to tell you how many acres of land you need.
      • Rule of thumb – 1 Acre per 100 people.
      • Many churches buy too much property, and the dirt delays building. 
    • Take special time to find the right land in the right location. Depending on your location, land cost can be crazy expensive.
      • You will need help assessing the property because there are several issues to consider including shape, topography, easements, zoning, and connection to utilities.
    • Create a Blocking Diagram on the prospective site to confirm the property would be a good location for a church.
    • Some properties are not good for churches.


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