Tony Merida on Church Planting, Bivocational Pastors, & Orphan Care

Episode #041
February 7, 2014
Rainer on Leadership

Podcast Episode #041

Tony Merida, a great friend of LifeWay, was at in town recently, and while he was here, Jonathan and I had a chance to record this episode of Rainer on Leadership with him.

Tony is an accomplished author (Faithful Preaching, Orphanology, Christ-Centered Exposition commentary series), pastor (Imago Dei Church in Raleigh, NC), professor (Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary), and speaker (Fuge, Student Life). In this episode, Tony and I discuss the benefits of a teaching team in the local church, how seminary education is beneficial, the church’s call to care for orphans and widows, and the Meridas’ story of adopting their five children.

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This podcast was brought to you by Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary’s Doctor of Ministry program. If you want more out of your ministry, want to study with a world-class faculty and need to stay where you currently serve, the DMin at Southeastern is the answer for you. Visit SEBTS.EDU/DMIN for more information.


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