Podcast Episode #153
What pastors need to know about business and answer a few questions from the listeners of Rainer on Leadership. As always, you can ask your questions on the podcast page.
Some highlights from today’s episode include:
- Most churches have as much as half of their membership who are not very active.
- Casual dress means service and giving will be casual about as much as high church attire means they will be higher.
- Pastors need to know basic business principles when leading a church.
- Most pastors and staff members do exhibit a grateful heart.
- Every church needs some type of succession plan regardless of the age or tenure of the pastor.
The questions we cover on the podcast are:
JEREMY – I’m holding my first pastorate in a church that needs revitalized. With that said, I have this lady on the mission board, who only comes to church when the mission committee meets (she is the secretary and writes the checks). Then when she does come, she does not join us in the sanctuary. Instead, she sits in the fireside room. This lady is also a long time member. How should I address this both with the leadership and her?
COLEMAN – Your recent podcast, about church attire was so timely because we are at a dynamic new church, that has a casual dress code. My wife likes me in a suit and I also want to set an example for my young sons who are impressionable. We are from the midwest, but live in California now, so casual is acceptable. But if the attire is casual, what else is? Tithing, Service, Values? Old church was too old, and out of touch. New church too hip, casual approach. Whats a young family to do?
PAUL – You mentioned in your post on 10 things you wish you knew before becoming a pastor that you wish you’d known how important a business acumen would be in pastoral ministry. I am training to become a pastor, and like yourself, I love God and His Word, but my knowledge of business is pretty weak. I would like to know more about this; what, specifically, would you suggest new pastors know in this area?
SCOTT – Why don’t churches come together cooperatively? This could be an outreach event, a service ministry project, youth groups….anything. It seems that we stay to ourselves, or our denominations. If we are ALL the body of Christ, what’s stopping us from doing this?
TERESA – Should pastors express gratitude to their congregants for kindnesses shown to them and their families, including gifts and services?
PHIL – What are the signs of a church’s need for an intentional lead pastor succession plan?
Episode Sponsor
Vanderbloemen Search Group is the premier pastor search firm dedicated to helping churches and ministries build great teams. They’ve helped hundreds of churches just like yours find their church staff and are uniquely geared to help you discern who God is calling to lead your church. Find out more about Vanderbloemen Search Group by visiting WeStaffTheChurch.com.
If you have a question you would like answered on the show, fill out the form on the podcast page here at ThomRainer.com.