Why Churches Are Not Inherently Safe Places

Episode #882
December 3, 2024
Rainer on Leadership

It’s understandable why people would think, “This place is full of Christians. It must be one of the safest places in my community.” But churches are not inherently safe. Quite the opposite. Churches have a target on them! You are a spiritual target for the powers of darkness. Sam Rainer and Matt McCraw discuss some key issues involving church safety.

    • Churches are typically high-trust, high-hospitality, and low-security environments.
    • The way a new person is treated in a church is completely different than at an elementary school.
    • Churches assume the best and start at a place of trust. Schools start at a place of caution.
    • The biggest threats are usually internal, not external.
    • It can be hard to spot a person intending harm because they do not typically announce their motives.
    • Background checks are not enough to ensure safety.
    • There can be no exceptions to the rules, even with your best and most involved people.


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The Daily Walk Bible

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