Why Pastors’ Honeymoons are Getting Shorter

Episode #485
November 16, 2018
Rainer on Leadership

Podcast Episode #485

Honeymoons always end. There are some things that can be done by a new pastor to extend them, but there are definitely some other things that can be done to cut them short. Today we discuss why many are being cut shorter these days.

Some highlights from today’s episode include:

  • The expectation of a quick fix can be detrimental to a church’s health.
  • A lot of churches who die have money in the bank, but they are fearful to spend it on what needs to be done to avoid dying.
  • Don’t compare your pastor to another preacher you listen to on a podcast. Its not helpful to him nor for you.
  • At some point, every pastor’s honeymoon ends at a church.

The seven reasons we discuss are:

  1. Understanding the pastor “life cycle”
  2. Dealing with the culture of the quick fix
  3. Believing the myth of the magic bullet
  4. Dealing with the increased level of pastors’ frustrations
  5. Managing financial fear and shortfalls
  6. Realizing the reality of the inward focus
  7. Understanding the comparison syndrome

Resources mentioned in today’s podcast

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For more information, visit WeStaffTheChurch.com.


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