Why the Pendulum on Church Metrics May Be Swinging Too Far

Episode #555
July 19, 2019
Rainer on Leadership

There is a pendulum swing in church leadership circles as it relates to the viewpoint of church metrics. Numbers and tracking numbers aren’t inherently bad, but they can be abused. Today, we discuss this swing and the negative sentiments often associated with it.

Some highlights from today’s episode include:

  • If numbers are all you care about at your church, you may end up compromising on principles to get the numbers up.
  • What you measure in a church becomes important to the church.
  • Tracking metrics will move you to action in certain ways because you have a more accurate picture of reality thanks to the trends shown by the metrics.
  • Group participation and attendance is the most important discipleship-related metric to track.

The nine observations we discuss are:

  1. Emphases on church metrics have been cyclical.
  2. Understanding the phenomenon through the lens of mainline denominations.
  3. Metrics engender accountability
  4. Metrics move leaders to action
  5. Key metric: worship attendance
  6. Key metric: groups attendance
  7. Key metric: total and general giving
  8. Key metric: conversions
  9. Trend today: responding to metrics too late

Resources mentioned in today’s podcast

Rainer on Leadership is a member of the LifeWay Leadership Podcast Network

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