Will the Ministers’ Housing Allowance Go Away?

Episode #421
April 6, 2018
Rainer on Leadership

Podcast Episode #421

The ministers’ housing allowance is an oft misunderstood benefit. Today, we discuss the future of the housing allowance and if/when it might go away.

Some highlights from today’s episode include:

  • Churches have moved away from providing parsonages for pastors.
  • Ultimately, I believe the ministers’ housing allowance will be ruled on by the Supreme Court.
  • If you’re getting a minsters’ housing allowance right now, I encourage you to live like you’re not—because it will eventually go away.
  • The housing allowance is the most amazing tax benefit ministers get.

The seven factors we cover are:

  1. Understanding the background of the housing allowance
  2. The status in the court system
  3. Incumbent upon the minister to be prepared
  4. Review of the package versus pay
  5. Most churches cannot or will not make up lost income
  6. Begin preparing now as if it goes away
  7. It’s ultimately about trusting God, not the tax code

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Resources Mentioned in Today’s Podcast