While not every church is alike, many that are dying often exhibit similar signs. We cover seven of those today.
Today’s Listener Question:
What are some more symptoms you could list (maybe other than some of the ones in Autopsy of a Deceased Church) that might be exhibited in a church on its death bed?
Episode Highlights:
- Culture is changing whether we want to accept it or not.
- It’s often better to approach change at an individual level before your try to change things at the corporate level.
- Healthy churches are often acceptant, excited, and embracing of change.
- If nostalgia is the dominant emotion in a church, it’s likely dying.
- Holy huddles are serious problems is too many churches.
The seven things dying churches have in common are:
- Anger at change
- Nostalgia on steroids
- Confusion of methods and facilities with the gospel
- Little to no interaction with non-Christians
- Deflected blame
- Refusal to see reality
- Very little time left for survival
Resources mentioned in this episode include:
- ChurchReplanters.com
- ChurchAnswers.com
- Replanter Assessment
- Find more resources at the Revitalize & Replant page at ThomRainer.com

Submit Your Question:
Do you have a question about church revitalization or replanting for us to use on the podcast? Visit the podcast page to submit your question. If we use it on the show, you’ll get a copy of Autopsy of a Deceased Church and Reclaiming Glory.