Because of the great number of dying churches in North America, there is a great need for church replanters. Today, we cover eight characteristics needed in those called to replanting churches.
Today’s Listener Question:
I’ve been in vocational ministry for a little over 15 years. I love pastoring at established churches, but sometimes I wish for the freedom and excitement church planting brings. But I’m not wired like many of today’s church planters. Is it possible I could be a potential replanter?
Episode Highlights:
- “God is moving in the hearts of pastors to embrace dying churches.”
- “In a replant, the church will follow your leadership to the degree that they trust you as a shepherd.”
- “You can’t see senior adults as a hindrance to your ministry, but as a resource to your ministry.”
- “Very seldom do dying churches get low-hanging evangelistic fruit from the neighborhood.”
- Many pastors feel pain because they think they are alone.
The eight characteristics that we cover in this episode are:
- Visionary shepherding
- Tactical patience
- Multi-generational ministry
- Disciple and disciple-maker
- High EQ
- High tolerance for pain
- Spousal perseverance
- Affinity for church’s history and legacy
Resources mentioned in this episode include:
- Replanter Assessment
- Find more resources at the Revitalize & Replant page at

Submit Your Question:
Do you have a question about church revitalization or replanting for us to use on the podcast? Visit the podcast page to submit your question. If we use it on the show, you’ll get a copy of Autopsy of a Deceased Church and Reclaiming Glory.