How To Know If Your Church Should Be Adopted by Another Church – Part 1: The Often Tough and Unspoken Issues in a Church Adoption

Episode #281
December 22, 2022
Revitalize & Replant Podcast Logo

In the past, a severely struggling church typically only had one option: the church had to close. Now we know that many churches are being successfully adopted or acquired by another church. In this three-part series, Thom and Mark examine and discuss the process and accompanying issues of a church adoption. In this first episode, they look at the tough issues in a church adoption.

  • Most churches come to this decision when it’s too late.
  • A few church members can stop the entire process of adoption.
  • Most of the remaining church members do not understand that they will give up all control of their church.
  • Deferred maintenance has become a common stumbling block.
  • Emotional issues often take precedence over doing what needs to be done.



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Revitalize & Replant is sponsored by the North American Mission Board and More than 10% of churches in North America are at risk of closing and the North American Mission Board is committed to reversing this trend by decreasing the death rate of existing churches while simultaneously increasing the birth rate of new churches. To learn more about what it means to become a replanting pastor or to explore resources for replanting and revitalization in your own church, visit
