Nine Commitments Needed From Church Members for Revitalization to Happen

Episode #80
February 14, 2019
Revitalize & Replant Podcast Logo

Church members play a role in revitalization. Their attitudes and actions must reflect an openness to reaching others. Today, we discuss nine commitments they must make to see revitalization in a church.

This Week’s Question:

FROM WADE — Podcast #056 grappled with the uniqueness of a calling to revitalizing a church. You offered helpful up-front points to the would-be revitalizing pastor. Would you flip the coin on to the reverse side and build out the attitudes and commitments of a congregation and its leadership that desires revitalization?

Episode Highlights:

  • One of the greatest joys of corporate worship is leaving our personal preferences at the door and being led together.
  • If you’re not serving in your church, you’re not really being an active member of your church.
  • The deeper in love you are with Christ, the more you will want to serve others.
  • Dying churches anesthetize the pain of dying with busyness and activity.

The nine commitments we cover are:

  1. I will move from “I am” to I will”
  2. I will worship with others
  3. I will grow together with others
  4. I will serve
  5. I will go
  6. I will give generously
  7. I will not be a church dropout
  8. I will avoid the traps of churchianity
  9. I will make a difference

Resources mentioned in this episode include:

Revitalize & Replant is sponsored by the North American Mission Board and More than 10% of churches in North America are at risk of closing and the North American Mission Board is committed to reversing this trend by decreasing the death rate of existing churches while simultaneously increasing the birth rate of new churches. To learn more about what it means to become a replanting pastor or to explore resources for replanting and revitalization in your own church, visit

Submit Your Question:

Do you have a question about church revitalization or replanting for us to use on the podcast? Visit the podcast page to submit your question. If we use it on the show, you’ll get a copy of Autopsy of a Deceased Church and Reclaiming Glory.
