Today, Thom and Mark answer questions from podcast listeners specifically dealing with churches struggling to make needed changes. The real question is, “Is my church too far gone?”
From Ed:
I have been filling in for a month at a church that has dwindled to 25 active members and they are asking me to stay on as pastor. My early impression is that this church may be too far gone. We are facing some financial strain soon due to deferred maintenance on our building. It feels like I’m just here to help them die with dignity. What are some signs that I have arrived too late?
From Ken:
In my church when I say “we are trying something new,” it’s often heard as “you were doing things all wrong.” How can I better communicate the need for doing new things in the church without the potential uproar or people getting their feelings hurt?
Resources mentioned in today’s podcast:
Revitalize & Replant is sponsored by the North American Mission Board and More than 10% of churches in North America are at risk of closing and the North American Mission Board is committed to reversing this trend by decreasing the death rate of existing churches while simultaneously increasing the birth rate of new churches. To learn more about what it means to become a replanting pastor or to explore resources for replanting and revitalization in your own church, visit
Submit Your Question:
Do you have a question about church revitalization or replanting for us to use on the podcast? Visit the podcast page to submit your question. If we use it on the show, you’ll get a copy of Autopsy of a Deceased Church and Reclaiming Glory.