Pray for Grace Bible Baptist Church in Bath, New York
Pastor: Garrett Hall
Weekly Worship: 11:00 AM, Eastern
Fast Facts: Garrett Hall was named pastor officially on July 1, 2018, and since then, God has blessed the church with growth. Pray for the church as they seek continued revival of hearts and wisdom and means to complete necessary renovations of the church property. They have scheduled renovations of the church sanctuary for the end of June, so please pray for wisdom, finances, and energy to complete those tasks. The church aims to have a follow up to its community outreach, which we termed Operation Invitation (similar to Invite Your One). Please pray for souls to be saved, for hearts to be changed and God to be glorified.
“Pray for . . .” is the Sunday blog series at We encourage you to pray for these churches noted every Sunday. Please feel free to comment that you are praying as well.
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