Pray for Moose Creek Baptist Church in North Pole, Alaska
Moose Creek Baptist Church (MCBC) was founded in 1963, primarily to reach out to those Airmen, and their families, on Eielson Air Force Base, whose front gate is one mile from the church. From the mid 1980’s through the early 2000’s, MCBC averaged around 180 in worship, drawing almost exclusively from Eielson Air Force Base. Around 2005 the base was reduced in size, and then put on the federal list for closure. The church experienced rapid decline, going from 180 to less than 50 in attendance in under one year. The pastor of 13 years resigned, and attendance plummeted even more.
John M. Bills became the Pastor in late November of 2012. On their first Sunday, the attendance was 38. Pastor John and his wife Cindy have five grown children, three grandchildren, and a twelve year-old Pitbull/Boxer mix named Opie. John loves studying Scripture, teaching God’s Word, and engaging people in personal discipleship. He and Cindy enjoy taking walks, shooting, and watching old movies. John is a life-long Kansas City Chiefs fan, and his office has many Chiefs related items donated by members of the church, including actual stadium chairs.
MCBC is currently involved in a complete renovation of their facility that will allow their church to better minister to the needs of their community. They are currently working on their new fellowship hall and kitchen. Their community typically loses power for days–even weeks at a time–during their winter months (late September through late April) when temperatures can reach -50 degrees and colder! Their new fellowship hall will provide a space for families in the community to get warm, and offer VBS-type activities for the kids. Their new kitchen (commercial grade) will also provide them with good, warm meals during these power outages.
Join us as we pray for these specific prayer needs:
- Pray as they seek to break up the fallow ground of their Local Ministry Area and plant Gospel seeds.
- Pray that God will provide the needed resources (physical and financial) to continue work on their building renovation.
- Pray that God will provide the finances to help offset the high cost of heating their building (up t0 $4,000 a month during the winter).
- Praise God for the new families that have become a part of their fellowship over the past few months.
- Pray that we will keep their priorities straight by focusing on outreach to their Local Ministry Area first, and then their building renovation.
- Pray that we can increase their presence among the families on Eielson Air Force Base, which has been hampered since COVID.