Pray for Union Grove Christian Church in Asheboro, North Carolina
Pastor: Scott Kidd
Weekly Worship: 11:00 AM, Eastern
Fast Facts: Union Grove Christian Church is an independent Christian church set in a rural farm community that has its roots in community and family ministries. Please pray for the church to develop a passion for the lost and that God would bless them with spiritually equipped leaders in administration, music/worship, and discipleship training. Also, pray that they may be obedient in serving the Lord and that the church continues to seek to reach the lost and minister to the community. Please pray for a revival in their men’s ministry, for the church to be equipped with administration and giftedness in the area of music and student ministry, and for the pastor and church leaders to seek the Holy Spirit’s will for the people and church.
“Pray for . . .” is the Sunday blog series at We encourage you to pray for these churches noted every Sunday. Please feel free to comment that you are praying as well.
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