Pray for Wauseon Community Church in Wauseon, Ohio
Wauseon Community Church is located in Wauseon, Ohio. The church was established in the rural community of Wauseon twenty-five years ago. Each week they open their doors for members and the community to gather for worship and Bible study. They host weekly Sunday lunches that provide opportunities to build relationships. With a mission to invest, invite, and be involved, the church strategically offers opportunities to connect with its neighbors. One upcoming gathering is a trick-or-treat event on October 31st at the church. Let us join in praying for gospel conversations at this event and opportunities to extend invitations to return on Sundays for worship.
Under the guidance of Pastor Steve Baney, Wauseon Community Church is dedicated to uniting volunteers in serving the community. The church’s goal is to ensure that local families feel the love of God and the church, and to strengthen the bond between the community and the church. They are actively seeking opportunities to support the community, such as offering assistance with food, gas, and utilities, as well as organizing family-oriented events.
Please join us as we pray specifically for the following:
- Pray that they will make new disciples, baptizing them and teaching them to obey everything Jesus has commanded.
- Pray members will be actively engaged in inviting others to church.
- Pray for committments in investing to fund the mission of the church.